Ltress, London - 22 years !
(june 2002 - december 2024)
Tiktok 15k followers - Instagram 17k followers - Youtube 17 million views
models include DebraJo Fondren (Playmate of the year), Penny Lyn in USA (also featured in Playboy), Tia, Sanwei in London, HuDi and Wangwenwen in China, Mila, Hong in Vietnam, Irina, Suzaa etc etc etc
Ltress.UK .......... August 2024
next Edition .............21st September 2024
and still the same price
from September 7th 2024 the new Ltress Patreon will offer the following
updates posted every fortnight
the 1st of every month
the 16th of every month
each "edition" (ie each fortnight) will contains 4 or more sections
a bonus "Extreme Allure" offering which shows a model exhibiting alluring beauty but is not necessarily long hair related
please see the video above that shows whats in the Ltress Patreion for September 1st to 15th
next edition is due in 10 days time on Monday 16th September

TikTok has gone trigger happy on dishing out
"community guideline VIOLATIONS"
at TikTok you cant see the 2 videos opposite they "dis-appeared"
I have put them below so you can see them - they are both STUNNING videos
UNBELIEVABLE the logic of TikTok "disapearing" them

please remember this was filmed nearly 20 years ago - you will need to make your viewing window smaller than normal to more quality
(hopefully in the next few months I will be able to use AI to bring it up to HD quality)
see the "violations" in the Ltress Profile - link to Ltress' TikTok
video 1 minute 43 seconds
as I nolonger trust TikTok - their vindictive actions if repeated against me will surely lead to "DISAPPEARING MY ACCOUNT"
all trace of over 1000 videos gone forever
I decided to voluntarily remove the following video
(you can see it and save it in full (1min ??) in Ltress's SEPTEMBER Edition (due Sunday 15th September 2024)
- even though it had received 151,000 views !
elsewhere on TikTok the same red dress making tea has 8 MILLION VIEWS !

if you like what Ltress is doing,(and has done for 22 years !) please support buy making a purchase or purchases
thanks from Roger, Ltress, London

voucher number .........
low re sample
45% off
(£7.90 $10.44 9.31 euros 1506 yen 875 inr 75 yuan) plus local taxes
at TikTok you cant see the 2 videos opposite they "dis-appeared"
offer strictly until end of september 2024
HuDi's BEST video ever ?
Hu Di at Ltress - "high ponytail - pink sofa" longest hair - very cute looking
low res sample
voucher number .........
40% off
(£10.80 $14.27 12.75 euros 2057 yen 1195 inr 101 yuan)
plus local taxes
offer strictly until end of september 2024
this video will not be ever reduced again after the end of september 2024

10 minutes of Echo ! - actually 9 minutes 36 seconds :)
dont forget the skill of the camera person following !
its hard enough filming a model with the camera on a tripod :)

the last 1/3rd of this video - WOW !

THANKYOU for visiting Ltress !