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Ltress.UK   ..........     November 2022 

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please support Ltress by becoming a Ltress Patreon member 

such a beautiful voice !

7 minutes 16 seconds

video is flipped horizontally (I did that for a reason) everything about this video  is very complex (UNDERSTATEMENT)

all will be explained with prof in Ltress "DAILY" soon

(ltress Patreon membership needed

for example "is she safe"?

is she lip syncing (no) ? - I will prove that

is it a green screen ? no - i will prove that

I will be explaining EVERYTHING over the next few days via Patreon !

reading the comments proves people are MASSIVELY BAFFLED about her

firstly it has proved impossible to find her REAL account

(first thing 

she is chinese thats for sure 


she could be Chinese or Taiwanese

problem is

even though TikTok is a Chinese owned App

(the HUGE Chinese company Byte Dance own it)


TIK TOK is banned in China

along with Facebook, Instagram, youtube etc etc

in fact EVERYTHING we know and use daily

penalty for Chinese people using these Apps via a VPN is SEVERE 

they do have there own equivalent apps ie DOUYIN - and douyin may be the clue to explaining some things about this

SO here' the dilemna and the scam that going on right under the noses of TikTok

and the nonsence thats going on while people watch  - (she is innocent of it all)

once its explained you can quickly spot the irregularities but its not easy

thousands are being fooled 

with her - daily !

...... to be continued soon via Patreon  ....

Ltress Patreon update monday 11th November at 22:46pm

Irina modelling her magnificent mane for Ltress (October 2022) - her long hair is PERFECT !  (video is 8 minutes 24 seconds)

the video is EXCLUSIVE for Ltress Patreon members

her skill at modelling her long hair is quite amazing

second half of this exclusive Irina video will be on XMAS EVE (December 24th)

plus the Ltress script showing her exactly how to flaunt her hair for Patreon members

hope you like what she has done for Ltress

coming SOON for Patreon members

NEXT BONUS "DAILY" (90% complete)

NEXT BONUS  " EXTREME ALLURE"  (70% complete)

and a BRAND NEW BONUS "100 models"  (80% complete).............

approx 40- 60 minute video featuring approx 100 models  !!!!!! - flaunting their magnificent manes or their extreme beauty - they are all world leaders in either long hair or beauty or both !

GREAT time to join for just over £6  a month    !!!!

please note 95% of Ltress's effort is now going into  


not Instagram

not TikTOK

and definitely NOT YOUTUBE !!

available at Ltress Patreon for 7 weeks until 30th December 2022

wix now allows images to be saved as the original png (not webm)

wix doesnt allow the saving of videos

but for videos I have added thumbnails to the side to save them

allowing all videos to be saved is 3/4 of the effort in producing this page 

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